The first meeting (kick off metting) of the project participants took place via Joom and Skype at 16th of December 2020.
Kick-off meeting agenda
Venue: online
Date and time: 16/12/2020 at 09:30 am (Brussels time)
Participants invited:
Gabriele Sospiro (Ecepaa, Belgium)
Valentina Elias (Agrupamento de Escolas de Silves, Portugal)
Dimitris Sidiropoulos (The 2nd Vocational High School of Katerini, Greece)
Veronica Velasco (University of Milan, Italy)
Katarzyna Łuczak (Autokreacja Foundation, Poland)
Silvia Torresi (I.I.S Laeng Meucci, Italy)
Laura Gonzalez (Fundacıon Red Incola, Spain)
Topics to be discussed:
1. Consortium introduction;
2. WAY project presentation;
3. Budget allocation;
4. Internal Partnership Agreement (IPA) introduction;
5. First transnational meeting in Valladolid (Spain);
6. Communication and dissemination;
7. Any other business.